CONTENTS: 750g powder packaged in a paper bag, 1 measuring scoop
Among our key home-care companions, laundry detergents are often laden with chemicals that are harsh on our fabrics as well as the water bodies they eventually wash into. Also, liquid laundry detergents are mostly packaged in heavy plastic bottles that are discarded post use and are less than 10% likely to be recycled.
Powder formats are generally considered more eco-friendly and can be packaged more minimally. We have taken it a step further and made Spruce Laundry Detergent 100% plastic-free! Its ingredients have been carefully chosen to be gentle on our hands and non-toxic to the environment around us.
The powder is packaged in paper! This can be recycled normally, or be added to a home (or community) composting unit or to your garden soil, and will break down easily under natural conditions.