CONTENTS: 1 bamboo toothbrush
Did you know that nearly 4 billion toothbrushes are thrown out annually across the world, mostly to end up in a landfill? Plastic toothbrushes were first made in the 1930s, but they do not biodegrade and cannot be recycled.
Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource and can grow into a structural column within 3 years, making it a wonderfully sustainable material for making toothbrushes!
The fully compostable handle of this bamboo toothbrush is made of 100% organic bamboo grown in India. Also, the neem oil and vegetable wax coating prevents growth of microbes on the handle during usage.
The BPA free bristles of this toothbrush are made of bamboo infused with activated charcoal, and coated with bio-nylon (biodegradable). They absorb plaque, odour-causing bacteria and teeth-staining tannins, giving your teeth that extra bit of care.
Each toothbrush is wrapped in a thin paper envelope and packed in individual boxes to ensure hygiene.
All this packaging material is 100% home compostable and recyclable.